Friday, December 26, 2014

New Season | Not Available on Netflix

The last time I wrote in July, I wanted to celebrate the life of a dear friend and yes; We (still) Miss You Shannon! In June, I shared how I was "Standing in THE Days" and talked about how sometimes the little struggles in life can add up take a toll on your spirit, but realized that none of that stuff in life is really up to you anyways and accepting that instead of trying to fix the struggles yourself in those moments, is what gets you through them.

In March, I told you about how I was skeptical to graduate, my obsession with being an Aunt, my travels and the long list of "adult things" I had to do like get new insurance, tires and my wisdom teeth taken out on with an entry level budget. I was "Standing Here Doing Adult Things" but yet, trying very hard with a very creative savings plan to enjoy the small windows of opportunity I had to enjoy new experiences and adventures that life opened up for me. 

A year ago, I was reminiscing on good times with family and friends and cherishing each and every moment with every person, because at the time, it was a rare and special when I had the time to enjoy them. I was "Standing on Memory Lane"

Over a year ago, I was experiencing a lot of Sensors going off in my life. Sensors that just confirmed that I had absolutely no idea how to navigate myself in this world alone...and every time my car sensor lit up on my dashboard, it was just another reminder of just that. The great thing about it? I was never alone to begin with. 

I thought now would be a cool time to write again, because over the last few years I have grown so much. I've grown a lot spiritually, emotionally and professionally (at least it feels like it anyways...I mean I still spill coffee on my pants on occasion but there are some battles we just can't win). I'm in a brand new season of life, which is a big deal for me because I felt as though I was in the same season for quite some time. (It was God's idea, not mine).

This season is still very new to me, so I hope it's not too soon to celebrate being in it, but I'm just too excited not to be. I figure, if I can celebrate the trials, I can sure celebrate the victories as well. 

My radio career came to a close on the first of November and it was as unexpected as could be. It all started when I went on a work trip, a radio remote broadcast event at Sandals Resort in Negril, Jamaica. First of all, the closest things to a "resort life" I have ever experienced before these types of trips was going to Yogi Bear Campground in Cherokee, North these were always really special times when I got to go. 

On our last full day there, a small group of us got in a van and headed up the hills to deliver some school supplies to a local school in Negril. When we pulled up to the school, the only thing I could think about was how I was going to swallow the big lump that kept creeping its way up my throat. We played, we colored, we read, we sang. Before leaving, this little boy ran to me and gave me the biggest hug, he scaled my body to be held and wrapped his tiny arms around my head and pressed his head to mine and wouldn't let go. His teacher had to come over to encourage him to let go so I could leave to go back to the resort. 

--- Pause. Was I sad for the kids because I was just told that they don't always get dinner at home? Was I sad because the building wasn't in the condition it should be in for a school? No, (let me explain), I was sad AND angry because I was going back to a all you can eat, all you can drink resort and I was to pretend like I had just accomplished something by dropping off some pencils and paper? The lump in my throat grew and it didn't leave for the rest of the day. 

(Don't lose interest yet, the exciting part is coming up; ya know..the part where God makes an appearance) The next day I received an email on LinkedIn from an organization called SIM (it stands for Serving In Mission) from their Human Resources, letting me know that they had a position available that seems to match my skill set, would I like more information? I replied and said I would, because I'm always willing to hear these things out, but didn't get too attached to the idea in that moment. 

That email, led to a phone call, that led to an interview..that led to lunch...causing me to put in my 2 weeks notice as the Marketing Coordinator for an awesome radio station in Charlotte. It was a time period where I felt God making the moves for me and I was just the physical presence of his decisions. I wrote the resignation letter, but he told me what to say. I was there during the interviews, but he guided me through it. I prayed so hard about leaving a fun and enjoyable career season...He told me what to do. 

So now, I'm 2 months into being the Digital Content Manager for SIM USA, a missionary organization that reaches thousands of people by responding to need all over the world, by using people who have skills in medicine, aviation, media, finance and so much more. 

We start every day with Chapel; we pray for different countries and talk about what's going on in the world. Every day that I come into work, it is just affirmation that I don't know anything about life. There are people hurting all over the world in ways that I never knew you could hurt in. Instead of getting angry or sad for them, I pray for them and then later on, I thank God for putting me in a position where I can be aware of these things and navigate my skill sets and how they can be used to tell their stories, to illustrate through writing, video, photo and design not only the struggles but also the triumphs that are circulating throughout the entire world and how we each have a part we can play in helping people with their physical and spiritual needs. 

I'm not a doctor, a pilot or a teacher. But I can tell a story and I can tell it with integrity...and I think that's what this next season of my life is all about. It's not about me, it's about people loving other people and sharing the love of God through the skills that He gave me. 

On more of an "update" note, I graduated 2 weeks ago from Appalachian State University with my Masters in New Media and Global Education. If you're friends with me on Facebook or read my blog, you know that this is a big deal (as you've probably read a whiny status or two about late nights or endless papers). I'm only 2 weeks into post grad life and it feels so good. Between the new work hours I have and not having to come home and do homework every day, I'm really not quite sure what to do with myself.

For someone that's always had more things to do than she did time, this is actually more of an adjustment that I thought it would be. I started doing Hot Yoga and I've been cooking all of the recipes that I've always wanted to try but never had time to. I started reading regularly again (I sound super domesticated...leave me alone!) and most importantly, I have been home for every holiday and have spent more time with my family in this last month than I have in the last 3 years. Just what I needed. 

I don't know the specifics of what God has in store for me in this season of life. I've been praying for direction and for specific things to happen but that's all in his time and I'm okay with that. 

I loved what Pastor Steven said in church the other day, "You know the verse...For I know the plans for you...He said 'I KNOW'...which means...'YOU DON'T!'". 

It cracks me up that I used to think that I knew, that I had to figure it out myself or that I spent as much time as I did worrying about what was going to happen next...ppppfffttt.

"Will I ever have a car that doesn't break down all of the time?"
 - YES, you will! 
"Will I get through school with all of these distractions?"
 - YES, you will! 
"Will I be able to pay for school and all of the other financial responsibilities on my budget?
- "YES, you will!" 
"Will it be easy?"
-No, it won't
"Will I ever have the confidence and opportunity to proclaim how great you are through my work?"
- "YES, you will!" 
"Will I ever be able to man up and become a less sensitive being? Ya know, the kind that has great come backs and witty statements" 
- "No, but I will teach you how to navigate your emotions."
"Will I ever have the physical grace, that of a swan, when I try to dance?"
- "Now you're asking for too much..."

Those are some of the questions that sum up the last season of my life. Now, I have a brand new set of questions and I'm not nearly as worried about the answers as I was then. He always shows up and it's not on my time. There is no set time frame on how long our seasons in life can last, He knows how long we need to spend in each one so that we can be the best reflection of Him as possible. I know I have a lot of growing to do from here, but as excited as I am to close one chapter, I am just as excited to open another.

Ironically, 2015 is just days away. When I look back at 2014 and realize all of the places I got to see, the people I was lucky enough to meet, the learning I did, the spiritual growth I experienced and the love that I made me realize this whole life thing is pretty legit...aka awesome. What makes me smile after blurting that out, is that I didn't sum up my 2014 with my struggles (because as I explain in my blogs over the year, there were plenty) I sum it up with the unexpected blessings and opportunity that came. Now, if I could learn to do that in real time, I would be golden! 

I wish you all a very Happy New Year. And whatever season of life you may be in, know that you're in it for a reason and that is okay. Don't compare yourself to your neighbor; they are in their own walk right now. 

"The promise is what God will do, the plan is HOW he will do it."

Friday, July 11, 2014

Hi Shannon! We Miss You.

The funny thing about starting this blog is I have no idea how to start it. I  tried starting it almost a year ago and I still couldn't figure out how to do it. After re-reading our friend Lauren's Wonderful Blog Post from last year, it kind of helped ignite the fire that  I once had to write it. Plus, you realize you spent a lot of time with media geeks, so blog writing is just 2nd nature. Now that I'm here, writing it, I realize I never really lost the "fire". I honestly just have no idea what to say or how to start what I'm trying to say. Which is may be why I'm sort of rambling at this point? Let me start off by saying...We miss you Shannon. We all think about you every single day. I often kick myself for that year after college that we let go by, only seeing each other a few times. For someone who played such a huge roll from the beginning to the end of my experience at WCU, I sure should have made more attempts to come and see you. There are probably people that I need to go and visit with now, that I haven't in a while. What I would give to 

back to 2009 and take a broadcasting that introductory broadcasting class with you again! If it weren't for you, I would have never had the guts to get in front of a camera and profess to the entire class that I have "spunk" and my favorite color is brown. (Maybe that's a "you would have had to have been there to understand", joke) None the less, I still laugh about that and tell that story to everyone when the thought of me getting in front of a camera comes up. Just so you know, I've gotten a little bit better! You on the other hand, what a natural! My eyes get really tiny when I smile for a photo or video, so I'm just not camera material.
You were my "always put-together" friend. You had a perfect smile, the confidence to introduce yourself to people you didn't know and your clothes always matched. I, on the other hand...well...I had braces, my confidence level was very much lacking and my on-camera personality was so sad. You were the counterpart that I needed, the friend that God put in my life to help lift me up and remind me that I may not be put together yet, but that's okay! You loved me for my quirks. Plus, do you realize how much laughing we did? So. Much. I knew that we were going to be great pal's when I confessed to you that I secretly wanted a pair of overalls...and a week later you brought me a pair from your Mom's store. I rocked those on campus, often. My fashion forward attempt to bring back overalls was a failed mission, but none the less, your support will always be remembered. I always admired you because from the
beginning, you always sort of knew what you wanted to do. You always said what kind of field you wanted to work in and what type of things you wanted to cover early in. While you could have been bored out of your mind in those took full advantage of producing fun and exciting outdoor stories for all of our campus media outlets. I had absolutely no idea what I wanted at that time. People would ask and I would just say,"broadcasting..preferably something with National Geographic." Ha. Turns out folks right out of college don't get great jobs like that in a crashing market. Time passed and I finally figured out my niche, got my braces off and developed skills and hobbies that I could call my own & finally figured out what I wanted to do. Thank you for being someone I could look up to. Thank you for being that someone I could look at and think "That girl is happy. She knows what she wants and she loves Jesus, life and the occasional ice cream cone, I want to be friends with that girl". Sleep overs that turned into dance parties and photo sessions will be always be a favorite memory. If I had known that when you graduate and join adulthood that dance-party sleep overs would slowly deteriorate, I would have been pretty I guess I'm glad I didn't know and that we were able to live in that fun bliss for the time that we did.

Sometimes I'm not sure if I have completely grasped the fact that you aren't here with us anymore. In some ways, I feel like you still are. Sometimes I still knock on the prayer door and say hello, so I hope you hear those when I send them up! I plan on sending a few more up, so be listening. Oh, I don't know if you know this, but kept this video of you from our trip to Kentucky! I'm glad we went into that CVS to get band-aids and a glitter mic to report with, the essentials...ya know? Of course we had just gotten done eating ice cream and while doing so, we introduced ourselves to other people sitting in the food court who were at the same convention we were at. We became Facebook friends and still are to this day. I needed someone like you Shannon Christy! I needed someone to knock the confidence into me. I've made so many friends because you helped me get over that fear. You know what the great thing about Kentucky was? Our group fought like brothers and sisters. It was boys against girls and you were team Shannon and Morgan the whole time. We were tired, poor and grumpy from all of the conferences we had to attend in that short week. I'll never forget it. Well, I'm not sure what the other people on that trip have to say, but I'm so glad that week happened. We really got to know each other and I now have some really great friends because of it. Remember how Tucker and I used to always disagree on everything, like brother and sister level disagree on everything? Well, Tucker...he's one of best friends now! Maybe it's because we aren't stuffed into a small studio and office together for hours on end, trying to navigate through programs and video like we knew what we were doing. Well, maybe it should be more like..."like I KNEW what I WAS doing." I definitely didn't 75% of the time! We have plans to get ice cream this weekend in honor of you! You would laugh, I think.

Another thing that I think about is how extreme you were and how un-extreme I was...and still am. Haha. I guess being "extreme" can mean a variety of different things. I loved the video that you did for WCU, you know the one where you won the Flip Cam? I would also just like to point out that, in that video you caught a clip of the one time I did do something "extreme" and ended up with a dinner plate sized bruise on my leg. The "Extreme Sledding" that we did on the hill behind the dorm rooms.

You thought it was awesome and immediately wanted to go to the bathroom to see how big the bruise was so we could tell people about it. I, just wanted some Advil. Haha. I loved it though and I loved that day. We had a bunch of our friends together enjoying a day off in the snow. What more could you want? We didn't let that ruin our day, we got dinner in the food court right after and finished it off with....(any guesses?) Yes, an ice cream cone...on a snow day no less!

I guess this blog post turned more into a letter to you. I was pretty nervous about writing it, because I didn't know if I would say the right things or tell the stories the right way. I hope that I did. You were an amazing friend, you did life the Shannon way and that was awesome. Thank you for letting me be part of it for the time that we did have together. I don't think people get that kind of "time" anymore. Being at Western was such a special time. I got to spend 4 years, learning...making friends and doing things that made ME happy?! What!! That's so awesome that we got to do that and that we were able to do some of that together. I didn't realize what a blessing going to college was until it was over. Like most things, though, that's how it goes.

 Oh, in case you are wondering, Sal is good. We still hang out on a pretty regular basis. He does a lot of push ups, I'm not sure what's up with that, but he does! He loves his family, and he really just has it going on. Jon is being a badass and going to graduate school at Elon starting this fall. We got breakfast not too long ago and he's still being the same awesome Jon that he always is, maybe just a little smarter with all of the school he has under his belt now ;) Tucker, you know him...he is being his entrepreneurial genius self, Justin is making waves in untapped markets, seeing and grabbing at potential in places that one day, will make him stand out bigger than all of us. Rachel seems to be loving life and it flourishing in ways that I don't think she even realizes. She is still
full of God's grace and has more faith than anyone I know. Ronnie is good, thank you for talking me into dating him. I know you were really proud that you played match maker on that one. Well done friend! We have some amazing friends! You have more friends than I can even count! So many that I never met! Everywhere you went, you lit up the room, so that's really no surprise to me!  I know for a fact that I'm leaving out heaps and bounds of people that loved you so much. But I suppose I need to wrap this up. I'm going to re-read this post before I post it. Just to make sure I didn't say anything stupid, but hopefully this was a good update. I'm reading it out loud to you as I type it out, so you can hear it from heaven. I love you Shannon! We miss you!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Standing In "THE Days"

I know the days where I can come home to my 1 bedroom apartment, fling my shoes off and open up a jar of salsa and a bag of chips for dinner with a hot cup of Green Tea to accompany it, could be numbered. I know that one day, my priorities will change and responsibilities will grow. I know that one day, when I turn my TV on, I won't have to jiggle the antenna 3 different ways to catch The Big Bang Theory. I know that one day, I'll look back at these days and think "THOSE were THE days".

I like to think that we all given a certain window of time to be free from everything and everyone, except everyone has a different window. I think my window is now and I think that every time I miss out on an opportunity to leave the towel in the floor after a shower, eat chips and salsa for dinner or sit on my patio and stare up at the sky and try to convince myself that my herb garden IS still in fact a success, is an opportunity missed. I learn more and more every day about my own flaws, and oh boy... do I have a ton. I also learn more every day about how to handle them, how to move forward and how to realize that life will change with out my permission and that is okay.

I've figured out this happy medium between myself and the world around me where I have completely relinquished control over what SHOULD happen next and just... let things happen. I know that there are certain things in my life that I do have control over unconditionally. Right now those things are (just to name a few): My finances, travel plans, my goals, what shoes I want to wear every day, what I want to eat for dinner, worship, how much I want to exercise, how I treat others, along with other important decisions such as, whether or not I should make an entire pan of Buffalo Chicken Dip...again just to name a few.

Obsessing over what we are in control over is pointless, because tomorrow, my car may break down and that control that I feel over my finances today, could be gone tomorrow. I may think I will always have control over the option to make Buffalo Chicken Dip, but next week there could be a global Ranch shortage. Then what would I do? I have no control over that.

I have no control over anything, because I mess up every day, some days in small ways, like forgetting to use my blinker or spilling coffee on myself in the car. Some days I mess up in bigger ways by screwing up at work or forgetting to close my refrigerator causing all of the food to go bad. Every day when my alarm goes off and I choose to put my two feet on the ground and start my day, is a gamble on what will happen. I have in mind what I would like to happen, but just as you go through the list of things that you have to do that day, it seems so easy until you start doing them.

1. Take a shower.......No Shampoo...No Clean Towels
2. Make Coffee......Spilled on pants
3. Drive To Work......You're late due to a power line down.
4. Work....You forgot something on your to-do list.
5. Dinner.....You realize your out of salsa.

Want to know the funny part? At least 2 out of these 5 things happen to me on a daily basis and I'm still here! I'm good! Things are okay! I'm sitting on my couch in my apartment, writing this blog and glancing up at my mini garden every few minutes to make sure the damn bird that keeps trying to eat my tomato plants doesn't come back. Life is good! THESE are THE days!I also hope that in 3 years from now, I look back at this and shake my head and say "Those were not the days....THESE are the days." I'm having blast and I'm oddly, overly entertained by the inconsistency that life just is.

But first, let me take a selfie. *Insert humor*

Monday, March 10, 2014

Standing here doing "Adult" Things....

I know that it's already March and we're a little bit into the new year, however...I didn't really post about new years resolutions or new goals. This year I wanted to write about things that happen to me throughout the year, important things that I want to remember for later.

I feel like now that I have had a few months to get used to the new year and allow life's adventures to take place, I have a little bit to note.

January was a relatively normal month for me. I didn't do a lot for New Years, we wrapped up the Ice Rink season and I dedicated an entire weekend to doing girly things (eating brunch, getting my nails done, sipping hot tea, wearing the color pink). It was great to wash away the sand and ice once and for all, until next season.

I had a few "adult" things that I had to take care of. My first project was to get new car insurance. (woo.........hoo). So, I did and it sucked and it still sucks and that's that, but I did it and it's one more thing to knock off the list!

So February rolls around and life get's a little more interesting. Ronnie & I celebrated our 3 year moment with free breakfast at Chick Fil' A that morning and an freaking FUN-TASTIC afternoon with some of our closest friends (who incidentally thought it was Ronnie's birthday). Fair enough though, a surprise night out at Sky-High in Pineville is probably the most unconventional anniversary gift you can give. However, we had SO much fun. We jumped so hard. My cheeks hurt so bad from smiling non-stop for 2 hours!

For those of you who have never been - yes, you...the adult reading should go!! It's not JUST for kids!

The weekend after that, we went to LA to visit Ronnie's sweet sister, Courtney. Courtney works for the Ellen DeGeneres Show (how cool is that?!) We spent the first night chatting and celebrity spotting in the restaurant we ate at. The second day we went on a beautiful hike! The great outdoors, beautiful views, snakes & good times!

Snakes...yes. ;ALSKDJF;ASDUR;JDJF. Getting shivers again just thinking about it!

The third day we walked around Warner Brothers Studios, we got to see some pretty incredible things. We were shown the friends set and we were even allowed to sit on THE couch.

Weird thing: I didn't realize how emotionally invested I was in this show until I walked into see the set. There it was and I kind of teared up (shhhh no one knows that), but I swallowed it and moved on, because how cool is that?!! The FRIENDS set?! The only thing that wasn't original was Lisa Kudrow's guitar, apparently she wanted to take that with her whenever the show went off the air. Fair enough Phoebe...fair enough.

We saw other things too, such as the Pretty Little Liars set where they are still filming. We saw where they filmed the Spiderman kiss (where he hangs upside down), the Orphanage from the movie Annie, The Big Bang Theory set and so much more.

Later on that day we went to The Ellen Show and was part of the studio audience. The guests that day were Jonah Hill and Lionel Richie with Ceelo Green. Jonah Hill just seems like a cool dude.

Ellen butt bumped the person behind me while we were dancing on TV! It was a really upbeat experience and I felt like I was put on the spot to be overjoyed for the entire show! I loved it!!
The 4th day we came home and I returned to my list of "adult" things that needed to get done. Nothing says "adult fun" like getting your wisdom teeth removed! So, after a year of pocketing money away to the side, I made the appointment and I got my wisdom teeth removed two days after returning from LA.

Thank goodness for my sweet Mother for driving to Charlotte that weekend to take care of me. I remember nothing, like at all. Then the next week I checked my bank statement and it was like..."OH...right, that happened." Good thing my appetite was still on the downward slope, because let's just say "steak" wasn't really in the budget after this procedure! Luckily after you get your wisdom teeth removed, all you want for a week or two after is pudding, mashed potatoes and Spaghetti-Os.

So once all of the drama of getting my teeth out was over, life got back to normal.

I am the kind of person where yes, I get that we have to do stupid things in life like buy new tires, replace our cars, get wisdom teeth removed and pay student loans. However, I'm also the kind of person that likes to sprinkle something fun in between every stupid "adult" thing that I have to do.
It looks something like this:

1. Buy new tires
2. Get VENTI Hazelnut Latte at Starbucks
3. Get new car insurance
4. Go to LA
5. Get Wisdom Teeth Removed
6. Go jumping at Sky High
7. Pay Electric Bill 
8. Make Coffee at Home & Pretend Your At Starbucks, spill it on your pants and move on with life. (because at this point lets face it, you're broke)

Haha, I mean it's all 100% true!

This year is different than years past because I'm at a completely new territory in life. I'm at a place where I'm truly happy at my job, I'm in my 2nd year with the company so I sort of know what to expect throughout the year and I know how and when to plan for things that I want to do in my personal life.

I have a really fun year coming up! Some good things are going to happen and I'm pretty pumped up about it! I'm getting the opportunity to travel to A LOT to places that I have never seen, watch a lot of my closest friends get married...and more.

I'm getting a roommate and moving to a new place at the end of the summer. I'm turning 24, so I'll probably have some sort of mental breakdown about getting older and probably have a "Pre Mid-20's" crisis about not being in my "early 20's" anymore after this year. I'll probably get over it in 5 minutes because life is just too fun right now and there is so much to look forward to. (Friends, just refer me to this paragraph when my crisis comes, I can be such a drama queen) ;)

I'm graduating from Grad School this year, which is exciting. I'm actually kind of sad that I'm graduating, because I really enjoy school a lot.

There are actually two reasons for why I am skeptical to graduate:

1. With every degree earned, comes a massive student loan payment. It ain't no cheap road, being edumacated. 
2. I have no idea when/if I will use the degree.

So, last thing to tell you about is my trips home to see family and friends! I always have to squeeze in a few of those as often as I can. I love nothing more than a few days at home in WNC, sitting on the front porch with mom peering over that beautiful mountain view. Plus I need my niece, Lola, to think I'm cool. She is really starting to grow up and is learning to do a lot of new things. She's at a really observant point in life right now and I want to be part of that. I don't get to be around on a daily basis, but I want to make it a point to visit home every month or two.

Lola thinks that whoever gives her popsicles (her all time favorite thing) is the COOLEST person on the planet in that moment, so whenever I go home and one is allowed to hand my niece a Popsicle except for me!! I had to "shew" my dad out of the kitchen because he tried to steal my "Cool Aunt Thunder" last time. ;) She already things "Paw" is the coolest so he doesn't really need to rack up anymore Lola points!

Until next time

- M 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Standing In The Grocery Store: IT'S JUST TOO MUCH.

Adaptation is the theme of this blog post. Adapting to situations, other people, your own thoughts, feelings & actions. As I am constantly reminded of the progressive and inevitable changes that the world places on our lives, I realize it is up to us, as individuals to embrace that change with poise and the overall precedence of grace. I won't list out all of the changes that have been placed in my life lately, personally, professionally and spiritually. We all have them and it's a constant. It's not as though we go through this "phase". Life is always changing, and it's how we react to those changes that makes us who we are. We don't have the ability to control the changes that go on in our lives, but we do have the ability to adapt and give our lives direction once those changes occur. When I saw at my life overall, rather than a day to day project, I saw this huge immaculate gift. Once I realized how my life could be overall, then I realized that it's how we project ourselves on our day to day, that accumulate into the overall picture. 

I am one of those people that carries an unnecessary burden of guilt around every single day. I feel it when I am in line to get a Starbucks coffee at the grocery store, because shopping with my favorite latte in hand, makes the "dreadful" experience so much better. Until, I run into a man who hasn't left the dairy isle for 10 minutes because he is trying to decide how much he can buy for $20. As he does this math in his head and I creepishly circle around the grocery store to make sure he doesn't put away that milk, I realize I'm not the only one who noticed, as a lady goes up to him and hands him a gift card to the grocery store. He smiles and she walks away. Then I no longer have an appetite for my warm coffee in my hand, I find myself reevaluating what I have in my own cart. No, I don't need K-Cups, No, I don't need 3 different types of cheeses... So I once again, circle around the store putting back what I "didn't need". 

By the time that it's time to check out, I get to the register and I watch as each item is scanned and placed into the plastic bag, which I chose, (regrettably, every single time) because every time I choose paper, they put too much in the bag and when I unload my groceries from the car, to my apartment by myself, 9/10 they break, fall apart and my eggs are crushed and my milk is half way down the parking lot. But, I think about how I should be bringing my own bags to the grocery store, but some how manage to forget! 

Finally it's time to pay and get to my car. I unlock the car and start to load them. Then, I get approached by a group raising money for the homeless. I pretend to ignore him because, let's face it, after that grocery shopping experience all I want to do is get home. He keeps talking. Then I realize how rude I am being. This is a person just trying to make a small difference in the world, the least I can do is give him my eye contact. So, I do. 3 minutes later I'm digging around in my purse for a floating $5 bill. Do I know for sure that that $5 is going to go to a good place? No, but I can hope and assume so. Plus, let's face it, I just spent $4.19 on a bag of Ruffles. 

Let's just say, you don't want to get stuck going to the grocery store with me. It's a long, emotional, time consuming experience....and well...kind of a work out! 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Standing on Memory Lane

I recently went home for Thanksgiving. For some reason, every time I go home for my few and far between trips back into the mountains, I'm filled with an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia. By the last day, I'm always ready to come back from memory lane, but then I will randomly return after browsing through photos.I posted a few photos from my trip home below and some old ones too. This past trip home was a great one! Not only did I get to catch up with friends that I love so dearly, but it reminds me of how stinkin' awesome people can be.

"Help Each Other. Be Thankful. Know you are loved. Pay with hugs and kisses. Try new things. Be Happy. Show Compassion. Be grateful. Dream Big. Respect One Another. Laugh Out Loud.

It's almost our 10 year "friendship anniversary" Proud!!

Justin Probably regretting the bacon beer
he just ordered.

O'Malley's Hot Wings & $2 wine. I am what I am.
"The Mountains are Calling & I must go"
The mountains spoke.
I am in complete awe of this kind of

and I know that each of my friends, will have the most beautiful children and fullest hearts.
Mother, Teacher, Film Extraordinaire, Panthers Man, Teacher
& Nutrition Specialist. How did I know you guys would end up
so awesome?

I miss you Shanny Poo. I will never be as awesome and daring and courageous as you,
the bruise that was left on my butt after this sledding day proved it. Thanks for pushing
me to be the person that I am now, for giving me the confidence that I needed when I was unsure
& for just being so happy. You brought a lot to my life.

This happened. CIRCA 2007. Film for Spanish class, done right.
The one in the pink cardigan still calls me basically every other day
to discuss important life events, such as work, the pain of grocery shopping,
dishes, laundry, the whole concept of getting older in general.
I still use a camera some times, but for some reason no one wants
to dress up as old people and speak in broken Spanish?

My travel buddies/sisters/great friends. They know when it's time
to primp for a photo, when it's time to yell for our favorite football teams,
when it's time to hop on a plane and get away to a place we've never been and
are aware that if we stick together, growing up isn't all that bad.

Then there are these people. People I haven't seen in almost 3 years,
but think about often. I miss having intellectual conversations over a
German beer purchased with recycling change on the U-Bahn,
exploring new places, making an adventure that started out with strangers,
into what I now consider life long friends.

Jon....without at "h". The world's best Obama impersonator,
worlds worst snowman maker & a best friend that I sure was lucky to
have around 24/7 for the time that I did. Big things coming his way, no doubt.

1996 had a lot to handle. My group, my "rock" growing up.

My family away from family.

Sometimes in life you just need to take a stroll down main street
and spend all of your free time on the Ski Slopes with your best pal.

To the Window, To the Wall. My sweet Amber on her birthday!
I can't believe I get to watch her walk down the isle this summer,
what's more, is that I get to stand beside her. The Mad Batter may be
gone, but those long conversations about big dreams for our future aren't.

I like this photo because I want to remind you all that when I have kids
I expect this 5-Star treatment as well. All gifts in the future come with complimentary
assembly! ;)

That one with the "crazy eyes" in the back ground,
married my brother a few years after this photo was taken.
They just promoted me to "Aunt Morgan" this past year! So great.

"Awkward classroom photos". Hey Eddie & Jarrett in the back ground!

Because scraping together money to spend the weekend in Pigeon
Forge is ALWAYS a good idea when your a poor college student.
You don't get time like that back.
My "go to" girls.

.......If I could go back, I don't know if I would have drawn on a mustache at my first sorority social. Ah well, these girls still love me.

Having spare time means that you have time to go to the
fabric store to pick out fabric and matching ribbon to make
hand made togas for socials. I don't think this will ever happen again, but I'm glad I had "Designer Hannah" with me when we made these!

It's that tight knit group of people that you can always count on to
visit you even when you've moved far away, because you don't
find things like this every day in life. No matter where I go or what I'm doing
I know that I will have fun when I'm with them

Moving to a new place and starting life somewhere other than
home can be pretty scary! I really don't know what I
would have done with out Katie & Amanda! 

The relationships I have made at work at probably the best that I
have ever made in a work place. I may be a little wide eyed at having a
group of girls around my age that I can talk to every day, grab dinner with after
work or just walk over to their office to chat, because I'm seriously lucky.
Goofy as can be, but they are the hardest working group of women that I have ever met and
I'm pretty darn lucky to have them around.

Rachel, my Rachel! My strong willed, beautiful, loving Rachel!
This woman loves Jesus more than anyone I know and lives her life
to serve him. She inspires me every time we talk. I love hearing about
her life stories and her adventures that she is on for Jesus. She may not
know it, but she helps me listen closer for the Lord and what he wants, not
what I want.

There will always be the friend that was attached to your hip all through middle
school and high school. This was my right hand. I admire her for the work that
she does and time that she commits to her students. When I listen to what
she does on a day to day basis, I just thank God for people like her. She also keeps me
in check when my clothes have been in my closet for over 10 years,
"Oh look, High School!"
Someone's gotta do the dirty work, thanks friend :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Post graduate life never ceases to amaze me. I'm really hoping that one day I will look back at my sporadic blog postings that detail out every single transition post graduation. I'm not really giving it it's full justice either, because I'm technically still in school. I'm in my 2nd year of graduate school and I'm paying for it as I go. Which makes the whole "glamor" part of being graduated and getting a real job, difficult to portray, when I don't ever really get to enjoy those funds anyways.

If those funds aren't going to school, then they are going to my car. MY CAR. Want to know the funny/great thing about cars? When something is wrong with them, they don't usually hold back on letting you know.

For instance, a sensor will usually emerge on the dash: 

For those of us who do not live in Jackson county, this little light, will tear up your world in less than 2.5 seconds. Jackson County, the sweet little place that it is, allows it's community to get away with having this light on. However, here in Charlotte and basically the rest of North Carolina, you will not pass inspection...oh ... and no matter how small the better be ready to PAY.

What's wrong with it? Hmm...I won't bore you with all of the details, but let's just say around these parts, they charge you $100 just to get a "diagnostic". You better hope and pray it's the right one.

After taking a day off of work to drive to the mountains to get my Dad to give me his personal opinion and then bringing it back to Charlotte to be quoted a minimum of $2,000 to fix a problem that I got completed elsewhere for $275....the light finally went off.

I only wish that was the end of my story. Two weeks pass by and I'm driving that thing around as if it were the center of attention in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. So proud that my light was off. I go home for my little brothers birthday and the gas peddles wouldn't Three minutes after noticing this, the sensor comes back on. I don't panic, because this is just a casualty at this point. I get back home, take it to my guy, I get the call...."$3,000" !!! "You have transmission issues Morgan."

The words that kill.

"How much do I owe you for looking at it and diagnosing it?"
"Nothing, looks to me as if you've got enough problems as it is" 

......That's the moment that I was no longer concerned about the sensors on the car and more so concerned about the sensors going off in my brain. I pick up my car, knowing that all hope for it is over. I knew at that point that it was time to move on. I will say, it got me through the last 2 years of college, it got me through my first job, working in sales where I put 40,000 miles on it in 1 year alone and then it got me through a move to Charlotte and through my first year of graduate school. It's riding 97,000 miles and I think it's just time.

Car shopping is a joke.

I have been shopping for 3 days now and it's the WORST. I've read a 100 articles on the subject. Ask me anything about NADA, KBB, AutoTrader, NC/SC Sales Tax, Interest Rates, Trades, Warranties, "What not to tell your car salesman" & Poker Faces.

I think what frustrates me the most about cars, is that it's something that I know the least about. Usually, when I don't know the answer to something, I will research it and study it until I understand it. With cars, it's such a game that there isn't a book out there that lists all of the "sneaky tricks and trades of buying a car". The only thing you can do is talk to every man you've ever met, gather their advice, read articles, reviews, talk to your credit union and insurance company and do your very best to educate yourself and most importantly, to have the confidence to walk away from any situation.

Being female in this situation is the absolute worst. I went into a dealership yesterday alone. The salesman said "You came in here alone? Usually girls bring an entire football team with them, their dad, grandpa, boyfriend,'re brave!" 

----- I'm brave? ...Thanks for preempting me about the fact that you're about to screw me over! I could rant about that statement but I'll save you the trouble. I'm not a feminist, but the small part of me that could be, absolutely wanted to retaliate right there on the show room floor....brave...come ON.

 For those of you who buy cars a lot, I don't see how or why you do it. To me, at this point, I would rather just bike. I honestly would.

I think why this whole process is so interesting to me is because it's the first time that I have ever done it alone. Don't get me wrong, I call my Dad twice a day to fill him in on what I've encountered that day and he's coached me over the phone.

It's just like the first time that I filed taxes as an independent, got my own cell phone plan, renters insurance (didn't even know that was a thing), internet, electricity, signed up for Triple A (best decision ever), apartment, dental plan etc. NO ONE TEACHES YOU THESE THINGS. How are you supposed to know? I read one of those "Buzz Feed" articles about "15 Things College Never Taught You About Life After Graduation"   It's hilarious, only it's not, because it's true! Don't get me wrong, some of the things on there are a little stupid, but all in all there are a few that I just want to do one solid fist pump to in agreement. YES.

Teach us how to write a check. Teach us how to maintain good credit scores. Teach us what we need to know when we need to buy a car, or a house (I haven't even THOUGHT about that one!). Teach us how to check our oil and change a tire. Teach us about the stock market. Teach us about insurance, 401Ks, Time Management. We spend the majority of our childhood trying to master the art of mathematics when the majority of us won't EVER need to solve a word problem in real life, or discover the root of 1,456,988.01. (Math is important, just an example)