Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Standing on Memory Lane

I recently went home for Thanksgiving. For some reason, every time I go home for my few and far between trips back into the mountains, I'm filled with an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia. By the last day, I'm always ready to come back from memory lane, but then I will randomly return after browsing through photos.I posted a few photos from my trip home below and some old ones too. This past trip home was a great one! Not only did I get to catch up with friends that I love so dearly, but it reminds me of how stinkin' awesome people can be.

"Help Each Other. Be Thankful. Know you are loved. Pay with hugs and kisses. Try new things. Be Happy. Show Compassion. Be grateful. Dream Big. Respect One Another. Laugh Out Loud.

It's almost our 10 year "friendship anniversary" Proud!!

Justin Probably regretting the bacon beer
he just ordered.

O'Malley's Hot Wings & $2 wine. I am what I am.
"The Mountains are Calling & I must go"
The mountains spoke.
I am in complete awe of this kind of

and I know that each of my friends, will have the most beautiful children and fullest hearts.
Mother, Teacher, Film Extraordinaire, Panthers Man, Teacher
& Nutrition Specialist. How did I know you guys would end up
so awesome?

I miss you Shanny Poo. I will never be as awesome and daring and courageous as you,
the bruise that was left on my butt after this sledding day proved it. Thanks for pushing
me to be the person that I am now, for giving me the confidence that I needed when I was unsure
& for just being so happy. You brought a lot to my life.

This happened. CIRCA 2007. Film for Spanish class, done right.
The one in the pink cardigan still calls me basically every other day
to discuss important life events, such as work, the pain of grocery shopping,
dishes, laundry, the whole concept of getting older in general.
I still use a camera some times, but for some reason no one wants
to dress up as old people and speak in broken Spanish?

My travel buddies/sisters/great friends. They know when it's time
to primp for a photo, when it's time to yell for our favorite football teams,
when it's time to hop on a plane and get away to a place we've never been and
are aware that if we stick together, growing up isn't all that bad.

Then there are these people. People I haven't seen in almost 3 years,
but think about often. I miss having intellectual conversations over a
German beer purchased with recycling change on the U-Bahn,
exploring new places, making an adventure that started out with strangers,
into what I now consider life long friends.

Jon....without at "h". The world's best Obama impersonator,
worlds worst snowman maker & a best friend that I sure was lucky to
have around 24/7 for the time that I did. Big things coming his way, no doubt.

1996 had a lot to handle. My group, my "rock" growing up.

My family away from family.

Sometimes in life you just need to take a stroll down main street
and spend all of your free time on the Ski Slopes with your best pal.

To the Window, To the Wall. My sweet Amber on her birthday!
I can't believe I get to watch her walk down the isle this summer,
what's more, is that I get to stand beside her. The Mad Batter may be
gone, but those long conversations about big dreams for our future aren't.

I like this photo because I want to remind you all that when I have kids
I expect this 5-Star treatment as well. All gifts in the future come with complimentary
assembly! ;)

That one with the "crazy eyes" in the back ground,
married my brother a few years after this photo was taken.
They just promoted me to "Aunt Morgan" this past year! So great.

"Awkward classroom photos". Hey Eddie & Jarrett in the back ground!

Because scraping together money to spend the weekend in Pigeon
Forge is ALWAYS a good idea when your a poor college student.
You don't get time like that back.
My "go to" girls.

.......If I could go back, I don't know if I would have drawn on a mustache at my first sorority social. Ah well, these girls still love me.

Having spare time means that you have time to go to the
fabric store to pick out fabric and matching ribbon to make
hand made togas for socials. I don't think this will ever happen again, but I'm glad I had "Designer Hannah" with me when we made these!

It's that tight knit group of people that you can always count on to
visit you even when you've moved far away, because you don't
find things like this every day in life. No matter where I go or what I'm doing
I know that I will have fun when I'm with them

Moving to a new place and starting life somewhere other than
home can be pretty scary! I really don't know what I
would have done with out Katie & Amanda! 

The relationships I have made at work at probably the best that I
have ever made in a work place. I may be a little wide eyed at having a
group of girls around my age that I can talk to every day, grab dinner with after
work or just walk over to their office to chat, because I'm seriously lucky.
Goofy as can be, but they are the hardest working group of women that I have ever met and
I'm pretty darn lucky to have them around.

Rachel, my Rachel! My strong willed, beautiful, loving Rachel!
This woman loves Jesus more than anyone I know and lives her life
to serve him. She inspires me every time we talk. I love hearing about
her life stories and her adventures that she is on for Jesus. She may not
know it, but she helps me listen closer for the Lord and what he wants, not
what I want.

There will always be the friend that was attached to your hip all through middle
school and high school. This was my right hand. I admire her for the work that
she does and time that she commits to her students. When I listen to what
she does on a day to day basis, I just thank God for people like her. She also keeps me
in check when my clothes have been in my closet for over 10 years,
"Oh look, High School!"
Someone's gotta do the dirty work, thanks friend :)

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