Monday, June 2, 2014

Standing In "THE Days"

I know the days where I can come home to my 1 bedroom apartment, fling my shoes off and open up a jar of salsa and a bag of chips for dinner with a hot cup of Green Tea to accompany it, could be numbered. I know that one day, my priorities will change and responsibilities will grow. I know that one day, when I turn my TV on, I won't have to jiggle the antenna 3 different ways to catch The Big Bang Theory. I know that one day, I'll look back at these days and think "THOSE were THE days".

I like to think that we all given a certain window of time to be free from everything and everyone, except everyone has a different window. I think my window is now and I think that every time I miss out on an opportunity to leave the towel in the floor after a shower, eat chips and salsa for dinner or sit on my patio and stare up at the sky and try to convince myself that my herb garden IS still in fact a success, is an opportunity missed. I learn more and more every day about my own flaws, and oh boy... do I have a ton. I also learn more every day about how to handle them, how to move forward and how to realize that life will change with out my permission and that is okay.

I've figured out this happy medium between myself and the world around me where I have completely relinquished control over what SHOULD happen next and just... let things happen. I know that there are certain things in my life that I do have control over unconditionally. Right now those things are (just to name a few): My finances, travel plans, my goals, what shoes I want to wear every day, what I want to eat for dinner, worship, how much I want to exercise, how I treat others, along with other important decisions such as, whether or not I should make an entire pan of Buffalo Chicken Dip...again just to name a few.

Obsessing over what we are in control over is pointless, because tomorrow, my car may break down and that control that I feel over my finances today, could be gone tomorrow. I may think I will always have control over the option to make Buffalo Chicken Dip, but next week there could be a global Ranch shortage. Then what would I do? I have no control over that.

I have no control over anything, because I mess up every day, some days in small ways, like forgetting to use my blinker or spilling coffee on myself in the car. Some days I mess up in bigger ways by screwing up at work or forgetting to close my refrigerator causing all of the food to go bad. Every day when my alarm goes off and I choose to put my two feet on the ground and start my day, is a gamble on what will happen. I have in mind what I would like to happen, but just as you go through the list of things that you have to do that day, it seems so easy until you start doing them.

1. Take a shower.......No Shampoo...No Clean Towels
2. Make Coffee......Spilled on pants
3. Drive To Work......You're late due to a power line down.
4. Work....You forgot something on your to-do list.
5. Dinner.....You realize your out of salsa.

Want to know the funny part? At least 2 out of these 5 things happen to me on a daily basis and I'm still here! I'm good! Things are okay! I'm sitting on my couch in my apartment, writing this blog and glancing up at my mini garden every few minutes to make sure the damn bird that keeps trying to eat my tomato plants doesn't come back. Life is good! THESE are THE days!I also hope that in 3 years from now, I look back at this and shake my head and say "Those were not the days....THESE are the days." I'm having blast and I'm oddly, overly entertained by the inconsistency that life just is.

But first, let me take a selfie. *Insert humor*


  1. I recently found this video to be inspirational in dealing with life in general:

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