Friday, December 26, 2014

New Season | Not Available on Netflix

The last time I wrote in July, I wanted to celebrate the life of a dear friend and yes; We (still) Miss You Shannon! In June, I shared how I was "Standing in THE Days" and talked about how sometimes the little struggles in life can add up take a toll on your spirit, but realized that none of that stuff in life is really up to you anyways and accepting that instead of trying to fix the struggles yourself in those moments, is what gets you through them.

In March, I told you about how I was skeptical to graduate, my obsession with being an Aunt, my travels and the long list of "adult things" I had to do like get new insurance, tires and my wisdom teeth taken out on with an entry level budget. I was "Standing Here Doing Adult Things" but yet, trying very hard with a very creative savings plan to enjoy the small windows of opportunity I had to enjoy new experiences and adventures that life opened up for me. 

A year ago, I was reminiscing on good times with family and friends and cherishing each and every moment with every person, because at the time, it was a rare and special when I had the time to enjoy them. I was "Standing on Memory Lane"

Over a year ago, I was experiencing a lot of Sensors going off in my life. Sensors that just confirmed that I had absolutely no idea how to navigate myself in this world alone...and every time my car sensor lit up on my dashboard, it was just another reminder of just that. The great thing about it? I was never alone to begin with. 

I thought now would be a cool time to write again, because over the last few years I have grown so much. I've grown a lot spiritually, emotionally and professionally (at least it feels like it anyways...I mean I still spill coffee on my pants on occasion but there are some battles we just can't win). I'm in a brand new season of life, which is a big deal for me because I felt as though I was in the same season for quite some time. (It was God's idea, not mine).

This season is still very new to me, so I hope it's not too soon to celebrate being in it, but I'm just too excited not to be. I figure, if I can celebrate the trials, I can sure celebrate the victories as well. 

My radio career came to a close on the first of November and it was as unexpected as could be. It all started when I went on a work trip, a radio remote broadcast event at Sandals Resort in Negril, Jamaica. First of all, the closest things to a "resort life" I have ever experienced before these types of trips was going to Yogi Bear Campground in Cherokee, North these were always really special times when I got to go. 

On our last full day there, a small group of us got in a van and headed up the hills to deliver some school supplies to a local school in Negril. When we pulled up to the school, the only thing I could think about was how I was going to swallow the big lump that kept creeping its way up my throat. We played, we colored, we read, we sang. Before leaving, this little boy ran to me and gave me the biggest hug, he scaled my body to be held and wrapped his tiny arms around my head and pressed his head to mine and wouldn't let go. His teacher had to come over to encourage him to let go so I could leave to go back to the resort. 

--- Pause. Was I sad for the kids because I was just told that they don't always get dinner at home? Was I sad because the building wasn't in the condition it should be in for a school? No, (let me explain), I was sad AND angry because I was going back to a all you can eat, all you can drink resort and I was to pretend like I had just accomplished something by dropping off some pencils and paper? The lump in my throat grew and it didn't leave for the rest of the day. 

(Don't lose interest yet, the exciting part is coming up; ya know..the part where God makes an appearance) The next day I received an email on LinkedIn from an organization called SIM (it stands for Serving In Mission) from their Human Resources, letting me know that they had a position available that seems to match my skill set, would I like more information? I replied and said I would, because I'm always willing to hear these things out, but didn't get too attached to the idea in that moment. 

That email, led to a phone call, that led to an interview..that led to lunch...causing me to put in my 2 weeks notice as the Marketing Coordinator for an awesome radio station in Charlotte. It was a time period where I felt God making the moves for me and I was just the physical presence of his decisions. I wrote the resignation letter, but he told me what to say. I was there during the interviews, but he guided me through it. I prayed so hard about leaving a fun and enjoyable career season...He told me what to do. 

So now, I'm 2 months into being the Digital Content Manager for SIM USA, a missionary organization that reaches thousands of people by responding to need all over the world, by using people who have skills in medicine, aviation, media, finance and so much more. 

We start every day with Chapel; we pray for different countries and talk about what's going on in the world. Every day that I come into work, it is just affirmation that I don't know anything about life. There are people hurting all over the world in ways that I never knew you could hurt in. Instead of getting angry or sad for them, I pray for them and then later on, I thank God for putting me in a position where I can be aware of these things and navigate my skill sets and how they can be used to tell their stories, to illustrate through writing, video, photo and design not only the struggles but also the triumphs that are circulating throughout the entire world and how we each have a part we can play in helping people with their physical and spiritual needs. 

I'm not a doctor, a pilot or a teacher. But I can tell a story and I can tell it with integrity...and I think that's what this next season of my life is all about. It's not about me, it's about people loving other people and sharing the love of God through the skills that He gave me. 

On more of an "update" note, I graduated 2 weeks ago from Appalachian State University with my Masters in New Media and Global Education. If you're friends with me on Facebook or read my blog, you know that this is a big deal (as you've probably read a whiny status or two about late nights or endless papers). I'm only 2 weeks into post grad life and it feels so good. Between the new work hours I have and not having to come home and do homework every day, I'm really not quite sure what to do with myself.

For someone that's always had more things to do than she did time, this is actually more of an adjustment that I thought it would be. I started doing Hot Yoga and I've been cooking all of the recipes that I've always wanted to try but never had time to. I started reading regularly again (I sound super domesticated...leave me alone!) and most importantly, I have been home for every holiday and have spent more time with my family in this last month than I have in the last 3 years. Just what I needed. 

I don't know the specifics of what God has in store for me in this season of life. I've been praying for direction and for specific things to happen but that's all in his time and I'm okay with that. 

I loved what Pastor Steven said in church the other day, "You know the verse...For I know the plans for you...He said 'I KNOW'...which means...'YOU DON'T!'". 

It cracks me up that I used to think that I knew, that I had to figure it out myself or that I spent as much time as I did worrying about what was going to happen next...ppppfffttt.

"Will I ever have a car that doesn't break down all of the time?"
 - YES, you will! 
"Will I get through school with all of these distractions?"
 - YES, you will! 
"Will I be able to pay for school and all of the other financial responsibilities on my budget?
- "YES, you will!" 
"Will it be easy?"
-No, it won't
"Will I ever have the confidence and opportunity to proclaim how great you are through my work?"
- "YES, you will!" 
"Will I ever be able to man up and become a less sensitive being? Ya know, the kind that has great come backs and witty statements" 
- "No, but I will teach you how to navigate your emotions."
"Will I ever have the physical grace, that of a swan, when I try to dance?"
- "Now you're asking for too much..."

Those are some of the questions that sum up the last season of my life. Now, I have a brand new set of questions and I'm not nearly as worried about the answers as I was then. He always shows up and it's not on my time. There is no set time frame on how long our seasons in life can last, He knows how long we need to spend in each one so that we can be the best reflection of Him as possible. I know I have a lot of growing to do from here, but as excited as I am to close one chapter, I am just as excited to open another.

Ironically, 2015 is just days away. When I look back at 2014 and realize all of the places I got to see, the people I was lucky enough to meet, the learning I did, the spiritual growth I experienced and the love that I made me realize this whole life thing is pretty legit...aka awesome. What makes me smile after blurting that out, is that I didn't sum up my 2014 with my struggles (because as I explain in my blogs over the year, there were plenty) I sum it up with the unexpected blessings and opportunity that came. Now, if I could learn to do that in real time, I would be golden! 

I wish you all a very Happy New Year. And whatever season of life you may be in, know that you're in it for a reason and that is okay. Don't compare yourself to your neighbor; they are in their own walk right now. 

"The promise is what God will do, the plan is HOW he will do it."

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